How the steam mop works

The principle of the steam mop is to heat water to generate pressure and high temperature and directly use high temperature and high-pressure steam to sterilize and clean the home environment. Steam mops generally have the functions of high-temperature sterilization and oil removal. Using high pressure to generate steam, it can clean and sterilize, and…

Advantages of steam mop

Strong cleaning ability: It is impossible to clean the stubborn stains once using a traditional mop. We need to wipe repeatedly, and we will often get exhausted to clean the floor! The steam mop can produce high-temperature steam above 100°C, which can quickly dissolve stubborn stains, and the floor wiping is efficient and convenient, which…

Introduction to Spin Mop

The rotating mop is easy to use, light and flexible. With the continuous improvement of the design technology of this mop, the service life has also been greatly increased. The normal use can be used for 1 to 2 years. The better quality can be used for more than 2 years.